Lakey Lane Primary School

Lakey Lane Primary School

Who are the other professionals providing services to children with SEN at Lakey Lane?

Agency or Service

Who they work with

How school can get in touch with them

Behaviour Support Service (BSS)

Children or young people with emotional, social or mental health difficulties that impacts on their behaviour in school

School have an allocated teacher who they will contact after a parent or carer signs a referral form

Communication and Autism Team (CAT)

Children or young people who are being assessed for or already have a diagnosis of Autism or communication difficulties.

They will also provide support for families of children or young people with these difficulties

School have an allocated member of staff who they will contact after a parent or carer signs a referral form

Educational Psychology Service (EPS)

Children or young people with complex needs.

An Educational Psychologist will always be involved with a child or young person who is referred for an Education, Health and Care Plan.

School have an allocated Educational Psychologist who they will contact after a parent or carer signs a referral form

Physical Disability Service (PDS)

Children or young person with physical difficulties which impact on their access in the school setting.

School have an allocated teacher who they will contact after a parent or carer signs a referral form

Pupil and School Support (PSS)

Children or young people who are working below the levels expected for their age.

A Pupil and School Support Teacher will also work with staff in schools offering support, advice and training.

A Pupil and School Support teacher regularly visit school.  School will let parents or carers know if they need to work with the child or young person

Sensory Support Service (SSS)

Children or young people who have particular sensory needs such as visual or hearing difficulties where access to the usual school environment is affected.

Pupils are usually referred following a medical diagnosis, however school can phone them for further support and general advice.

Speech and Language Therapy Service (SALT)

Children or young people with a high level speech and language difficulties.

School can fill in a form which parents or carers sign.  The family doctor can also complete this form.


In addition we have a therapist who comes into school each week to assess individual children and plan intervention programmes.

Play Therapist

Children or young people with particular social, mental, emotional needs.

Our play therapist is in school once a week. The pupils are identified through conversation between parents/staff and the therapist. Her involvement with individual pupils tends to be longer term and her caseload is small, usually 2 pupils.

Learning Mentor

Children or young people with social, emotional, behavioural needs.

Our learning mentor is a full time member of the school staff. Pupils are identified in discussion with staff/parents.

School Nurse

Children or young people with medical needs particularly where medication is needed.

School have an allocated nurse who they will contact after a parent or carer signs a referral form